Highest myExperience satisfaction with teaching!

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Latest results show that, for a second term in a row, UNSW Sydney students rate their satisfaction with teaching higher than ever before. 

T1 2021 myExperience data were released recently and the proportion of students who rated their overall satisfaction with courses and teaching positively is at an all-time high for a second term in a row! 
More than 55,000 responses for course surveys and 90,000 responses to teaching surveys were captured from undergraduate and postgraduate students across 1,250 courses.  
85% of undergraduate students and an impressive 90% of postgraduates rated the teaching they received positively*. Our highest results ever and the first ever outcome of 90%!  
Looking at our international cohorts, 87% of undergraduate and 90% of postgraduate international students rated teaching positively. These results demonstrate our commitment to delivering excellent teaching to our students offshore.
Participation rates are also the highest ever. 50% of UNSW students took the time to share their views in the myExperience survey, a record since the survey began in 2017.  

Professor Rorden Wilkinson, Pro Vice-Chancellor Education & Student Experience said: “These results highlight the outstanding teaching provided by our community of scholars. They recognise the passion and dedication of colleagues in providing a challenging and deeply engaging learning experience that our local and international students clearly value. 

"I am also delighted to see the high level of participation from our students this term. UNSW works collaboratively with its student body, incorporating their feedback to continually enhance the student experience. I would like to thank our students for their engagement and advocacy of myExperience.” 

We’re listening. In T1 students provided over 60,000 comments across both course and teaching surveys. All comments are read by staff in schools and faculties and inform initiatives designed to enhance student learning experiences. 40% of positive comments in the teaching survey stated that the guidance and support provided by academic staff were the best elements of teaching at UNSW.  

Professor Wilkinson added, “Our T1 quantitative results are excellent and worthy of celebration, but we also learn a great deal from the qualitative data - the detailed student comments. They point us to the specific areas that need close attention as we head into terms two and three this year.”  

Reports for T1 2021 were released on Thursday 20 May and are available on myexperience.unsw.edu.au. If you have questions on your report, please contact the surveys team on myExperience@unsw.edu.au.  

*ratings of agree and strongly agree to the question: Overall I was satisfied with the quality of this person’s teaching.


This article was originally published on the Inside UNSW website on 25 May 2021.


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