In this workshop, participants will apply Transparency in Learning in Teaching (TiLT) principles to one assessment task, without redesigning the task itself.
Understand different models of oral assessment, such as the viva voce, and examine strategies for designing, scaffolding and implementing oral assessments in your course.
Academics enthusiastic about the value of good teaching can turn to the vibrant and rapidly expanding field of SoTL: the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Find out how the NSW Higher Education Summit brings people together to share ideas and tackle the big issues facing the sector through open, honest conversations.
Follow the inspiring journey of Irina and Irène, two educators whose shared passion for engineering education turned them from colleagues into global collaborators.
Learn about the development of UNSW's Peer Reviewer of Journals Mentoring Program, which ensures high-quality research by holding researchers accountable and building academics’ research skills through feedback.