
Coming up

Looking ahead

Registration forms and more information for the following events are hyperlinked below. Please keep checking this page for event and registration updates.
For drop-in sessions at the Teaching Commons, click here.

Fri 13/910.30am-12pmBreaking Barriers: Promoting Success for Neurodivergent Students in the ClassroomRachel Katsuri & Will Scates FrancesIn-person workshop
Tue 17/910.30-11.30amThe Essay is Dead, Long Live the Essay: Accessible Course Design in the Age of AIJames Bedford & Will Scates FrancesHybrid workshop
Tue 17/912-1pmCopyright for teaching and creating your digital course resource listUNSW LibraryHybrid session
Thu 19/92.30-4pmImproving the Student Experience of Class ParticipationDr Chantal Bostock & Dr Anna RoweIn-person workshop
Tue 24/911am-12pmHarnessing storytelling to engage studentsDr Poon LeungHybrid workshop
Tue 24/91-2pmTransforming teaching and learning through a Pedagogy of KindnessPedagogy of Kindness NetworkHybrid session
Wed 25/910-11amUNFED MeetingUNSW Arts, Design & ArchitectureOnline meeting
Wed 25/910-11.30amAction research in higher education interactive workshopAngie Nazim & Meredith MacAulayIn-person workshop
Thu 26/9 - Fri 27/99am-2.30pmSTEP UP 2024: What works in education?Multiple speakersHybrid conference
Tue 1/1011am-12pmDeveloping and using rubrics that workSean MaloneyHybrid workshop
Wed 2/101-2pmCommunication strategies to support students' learningSean MaloneyHybrid workshop
Tue 8/1012-1pmImproving Assessment with Transparency in Teaching & Learning (TiLT)Dr Alex BanniganHybrid workshop
Wed 9/102-3pmSEA LectureProf. Denise Jackson (ECU)Online lecture
Tue 15/1011am-12pmBeyond the presentation: Designing and implementing oral assessment into your courseMeredith MacAulayHybrid workshop
Wed 16/1012-1pmAwkward Pedagogy: The Benefits of Transparent TeachingJames Bedford & Will Scates FrancesHybrid workshop
Fri 18/1010-11amEmbedding critical reading instruction into your courseDr Owen WilsonHybrid workshop
Tue 22/1010-11amLearning About Specific CohortsKate Churchyard, Dominic Fitzsimmons, Dr Parisa Glass, Dr Ben Harris-Roxas, Lucy Jellema & James PerezHybrid workshop
Tue 22/1012-1pmCopyright for teaching and creating your digital course resource listUNSW LibraryHybrid session
Tue 22/102-3.30pmMark my words: Lessons learnt from a Nexus oral assessment redesign projectDr May Lim & Nasrin DanishHybrid workshop
Wed 23/1012-1pmBackmapping AI professional capability: From profession, to classroom, to assessmentDr Sharon ArisHybrid workshop
Tue 29/101-2pmSupporting First Year CohortsDr Thomas Dixon & Dr Kate JacksonHybrid workshop
Wed 30/1012-1pmSmart Feedback: An evolutionary approach to fostering stronger connections between students and lecturersProf. Taha Hossein Rashidi & Dr Khalegh Barati Hybrid workshop
Mon 4/111-2pmSEA LectureProf. Michelle Lazarus (Monash) Online lecture
Thu 7/111-2pmFostering Growth: Feedback Literacy for Students and EducatorsRita Prestigiacomo & Lucy JellemaHybrid workshop
Mon 18/11 - Wed 27/11All dayUNSW's Education FestivalMultiple presentersHybrid festival

UNSW Education Event Series

The SEA Lecture Series highlights the thought-leadership and innovative educational strategies and practices of our outstanding educators and their esteemed networks. Through the lectures, our UNSW Scientia Education Academy promotes educational excellence, and facilitates high-level discussions about the future of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education.

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Peer-to-peer sharing of best practice, innovation and ideas in university learning and teaching. The Connections events are open to all UNSW staff and provide a forum to share ideas and get feedback on practice and research.

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Lightning Workshops are hands-on, 1-hour sessions designed to enhance the teaching skills and courses of UNSW academics in a collaborative environment. During each workshop, participants have the opportunity to design, refine, and implement strategies to enhance their students' learning experience.

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The Lunch and Learn series is hosted by the EF Communities of Practice. Hosted in the Teaching Commons, EF CoP Lunch & Learns are open to all staff from across UNSW interested in learning and teaching. Each session features a different format and guest speakers ranging from presentations, workshops, panels, discussions and professional development activities, and kicks off with a networking lunch. 

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An annual week-long series of activities encompassing the former Learning & Teaching Forum and Faculty Education events to share best practices in learning and teaching at UNSW.

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Past Events

Tues 18 October 2022

Explore the concerns of grading systems and the strategy for eliminating grades within a competency-based assessment system with Prof. Karen Hauer from the University of California, San Francisco.

24 September 2019
12:00 - 2:00pm

This interactive showcase is for anyone interested in the technologies and practices of inclusive education design to make teaching and learning more accessible to all students.