View our Strategy
“What stood out for me in this strategy is that not only does it focus on our students, but it also focuses on our teachers; and how improving their experience will in return also improve learning at UNSW.
The other big highlight is the commitment that the strategy makes to include students, not only in the consultation process but also in the implementation and the review of the strategy”
Sahana Nandakumar, UNSW Student,
Chair of the Arc Board 2020-2021
Our aim is to be recognised globally for the distinctiveness of our education and for the quality of our student experience. We will be a leader in the provision of onsite and digital learning. We will invest in our academic staff, increase the quality of our student services, refine our curriculum and modes of assessment, and continue to innovate in the delivery of our education and student experience in and beyond the classroom.
In pursuit of our vision, we will build on our achievements, implement new initiatives, continue to support faculties and our students, and provide targeted interventions where needed. Our markers of success will enable us to judge our progress in delivering an unrivalled education and student experience.
Our goal is to enable our students to realise their ambitions, and to grow, develop and contribute positively to a better world. We want our graduates to be prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. We believe our initiatives will help lay the foundations for the journey ahead.
We will achieve our vision by pursuing 16 initiatives in four areas.
Listening to students and staff, and acting on their feedback, are essential prerequisites for the realisation of a fulfilling university experience. We will prioritise the critical insights from our two major surveys – the QILT SES and myExperience. We will continue to seek ways to listen to student voices, and demonstrate that we are listening and responding through multiple and inclusive feedback mechanisms. We will survey our staff to ensure that all viewpoints are brought together in the continual improvement of our education and student experience.
To deliver an outstanding education, we will listen to and invest in the capabilities and competencies of our staff, supporting them in the development of inspiring educational content and digital proficiency for effective delivery in physical and virtual environments. Through related initiatives, we will champion employability, work integrated learning and the design of a modern curriculum, while helping all of our students succeed through inclusive and equitable approaches.
We will combine high quality in-person and online learning materials with relevant, intuitive and seamless digital assessment capability. We will invest in upskilling and supporting staff in the creation of rich, engaging, high quality learning materials to support authentic, active learning experiences. Our students and staff will benefit from working within a technology landscape that is effective, efficient, adaptive and responsive to change. We will foster an innovation culture in which staff and students are given space and support to experiment with new ways of using new technology in the classroom.
We will expand our array of touch-points with students and embed a strong community feel and sense of belonging throughout the student journey. We will support students and provide care and education to help them navigate and understand their own health needs and encourage an active lifestyle. We will improve opportunities for, and connections with, our diverse student community and increase our support for inclusive student engagement. We will continue to seek opportunities to celebrate the invaluable, diverse cultures and perspectives that our student and staff communities bring to our university.