"Educational excellence and community is at the heart of all we do in our Education Focussed (EF ) Program, it is a wonderfully supportive, collaborative and highly engaged network. We now have over 500 EFs represented across all of our faculties and campuses, and across all of our academic levels - including Professor. The program has successfully embedded the EF role as a highly valued, viable and respected career pathway at UNSW, and is regarded as an exemplar by many national and international universities."

Associate Professor Karin Watson

Director, Education Excellence
Portfolio of the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education


Karin Watson profile picture

UNSW Faculties

Education Focussed (EF)  academics are represented across all UNSW faculties, campuses, and rural clinics. EFs regularly share teaching practice and collaborate on cross-disciplinary projects, communities of practice (CoPs), forums, retreats, educational grants, professional development programs and scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) activities.

Campus Locations

Campus locations