UNFED Meeting hosted by ADA

Achieving Teaching Excellence in Arts, Design and Architecture 

The Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture is pleased to host the September meeting of UNFED.

There will be three presentations:

Tony Loughlan

1. Adaptive design for live, interactive and challenging online workshops
Tony Loughland is an Associate Professor in the School of Education. He is an experienced educator who likes to work from practice to theory and back again. His research interests lie in teacher professional learning across the continuum from graduate to lead teacher. 


Marilu Melo Zurita

2. Preparing a year 1 Geographical Studies course to run for the first time in the middle of the pandemic 
Marilu Melo Zurita is a Senior Lecturer as part of the Environment and Society Group in the School of Humanities and Languages. She is a 2020 Vice Chancellors Teaching Award winner. As a Human geographer, she teaches into three different undergraduate programs: Environmental Humanities, Geographical Studies, and International Studies. 

Luis Gito

3. Collaborative online learning and teaching across Interior Architecture
Luis Gito is an Education Focussed academic in the Interior Architecture program, School of Built Environment. As a past winner of the University Medal and First Prize from the Design Institute of Australia Graduate of the Year Awards, he has brought his passion and imagination to teaching. He has played an integral role in the development of common practices across Interior Architecture courses, including use of tools for visual collaboration and feedback.