ChatGPT & AI in our teaching

A discussion on the implications of generative AI platforms for education and academic integrity at UNSW.

There has been much publicity about generative AI platforms such as ChatGPT-3 and the impact that this will have on education and, in particular, for assessment. What will this mean for your teaching? Should you change your teaching practices? If so, how?
In this webinar, a panel of UNSW experts will discuss the implications of this technology and the impact it will have on your teaching. The panel will present a brief overview of the emergence of this technology and outline the key issues (e.g. academic integrity, assessment design), before opening up discussion not only on those key issues but also on practical steps teaching staff can take in the short term and broader changes they may need to consider making over the long term.

Panel members

  • Prof. Stephen Doherty, Associate Dean (Education), UNSW Arts, Design and Architecture
  • Bron Greene, Director, UNSW Conduct & Integrity
  • A/Prof. Alison Beavis, Deputy Dean (Education), UNSW Science
  • Prof. Alex Steel, Director Teaching Strategy

The webinar will be moderated by Prof. Louise Lutze-Mann, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education & Student Experience.