Stories from Collaboration: what works, challenges, and how to make your collaborations fly

SoTL series

Stories from Collaboration: what works, challenges, and how to make your collaborations fly

Academic publications are more fun when you collaborate! With a track record of over 17 publications together in just three years, Lynn and Janis will share what has enabled them to leverage each other’s strengths and have some fun along the way. This session will explore what collaboration looks like, by exploring different collaborations, what works and doesn’t work, how the roles vary and what has lasted. Both work in other collaborations outside of this highly successful partnership as well. We will explore the joys and the challenges and why there are a few collaborations we would both prefer to forget!

This session is open to UNSW staff.


  • Associate Professor, Lynn Gribble, UNSW Business School
  • Associate Professor, Janis Wardrop, UNSW Business School

22 July update: Please note the presenters will be joining the event online, however, the Teaching Commons will be available for those who would like to watch the meeting together in person with a large screen. 

Presenter profiles

Image of Lynn Gribble

Associate Professor, Lynn Gribble
Co-lead, AI Community of Practice (UNSW Business School)

A/Prof. Lynn Gribble is a nationally and internationally awarded and recognised Education-Focussed academic who is known for her work in digital innovation in teaching. Her teaching focuses on engagement, belonging and personalisation of each student’s learning experience. Her early involvement in online learning saw her co-lead the largest Community of Practice (Digital Online Learning and Innovation 2020- 2023) and pioneered voice feedback (2011) and use of technology in grading and feedback (from 2014). Today as the co-lead of the Artificial Intelligence Community of Practice she is leading the dissemination, collaboration & advocacy of AI in education at UNSW.

Image of Janis Wardrop

Associate Professor, Janis Wardrop 
Education Director Centre for Social Impact (UNSW Business School)

A/Prof. Janis Wardrop is an Academic leader, educational change agent and commentator on management education, business ethics and governance. With 15 years’ experience in academia as both lecturer, program leader and manager her expertise lies in adopting a holistic approach to curriculum design. An Associate Professor at University of New South Wales, she is currently the Education Director at the Centre for Social Impact. An academic leader and educational champion of innovation, she is also a recipient of the Vice Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence and a leading educator in the School of Management and Governance, she specialises in developing student's learning capabilities to meet the challenges of the 21st century workplace, through innovative curriculum and course design. Her passion is to support others in their development. Her work on transforming student experience in large core courses is widely noted as is her development of other academics as a ‘guide on the side’.