UNFED Meeting hosted by Law & Justice

UNSW Faculty of Law & Justice is pleased to host the March meeting of UNFED.

Routine procedures that support education design and development


The UNSW Law & Justice Education Design and Quality (EDQ) team support and deliver education, and learning and teaching initiatives across our faculty. We are guided by the strategic vision of the Deputy Dean Education (DDE) and Director of Learning and Teaching (DoLT), under the direction of the Faculty Executive Director (FED). Our dynamic team of six professional staff work across education design and delivery (including media), and quality assurance. This includes routine operational tasks, technical support and professional development for academic staff, oversight and delivery of Division and Faculty/School projects and initiatives, management of audio-visual materials and resources, oversight of key quality assurance processes, and short to mid-term strategic planning.

The focus of this webinar will be for Faculty/School professional staff to share information about routine procedures that support education design and delivery of courses within degree programs. Areas for discussion include:

  1. Faculty/School approaches to consistent and/or customised course pages in Moodle
  2. Preferred media hosting solutions and their use within coursework courses
  3. Faculty/School approaches to course evaluation and/or review

At the conclusion of this webinar, we hope that you will have gained an insight into the routine procedures and innovations of other teams, and that this can positively impact your approach to these processes at your Faculty/School.


Beyond Moodle Enhance: Faculty/School approaches to consistent and/or customised course pages, activities and resources in Moodle

Moodle Enhance offers a consistent layout and customised functionality within Moodle course pages across the University. Faculty/Schools can supplement approaches to design (user experience (UX) and aesthetics, not necessarily pedagogical design) and functionality within Moodle course pages. Academics also have agency to customise their own course pages and activities to meet the needs of their students.

How do Faculty/School’s encourage consistency of design (UX) to maintain the student experience across course pages? How do Faculty/School’s encourage and monitor innovation in design (UX)?

UNSW Law & Justice Digital Education Assistants Jovita Chen and Sarah Wilkinson will discuss the development of a ‘style-guide’ as an approach to consistent design (UX) of Moodle course pages, activities, and resources. Jovita and Sarah will also lead a brief discussion on other approaches to consistent design (UX) and/or customising Moodle course pages, activities, and resources.


Preferred media hosting solutions: Using Echo360 ‘Collections’

UNSW Lecture Recordings+/Echo360 was conceived as an integrated hardware and software solution designed to undertake the recording of in-person lectures, and to disseminate those recordings to cohorts of students. As the role and use of media has changed within tertiary education, Echo360 has evolved into a multi-facetted application with greater application in a learning and teaching context.

How do Faculty/School’s manage and use media within their coursework courses? What applications are used to host media, and how is this media presented to students? What functionality is particularly useful to enhance the learning experience for students?

UNSW Law & Justice Digital Education Officer (Media) Alexandra (Alex) Gilley will discuss Echo360, as a ‘preferred’ media hosting solution at our faculty, with specific reference the ‘Collections’ function. Alex will also lead a brief discussion on how other Faculty/Schools host and use media within coursework courses.


Faculty/School approaches to course evaluation and/or review

UNSW has rigorous and structured processes for evaluating and reviewing programs and courses. However, Faculty/Schools have an imperative to provide additional structured avenues for reflecting on quality learning and teaching practices and review of the design and delivery of coursework courses. At UNSW Law & Justice we have developed an initiative for academics to peer review coursework courses. The UNSW Law & Justice Peer Review of Course initiative aims to:

  • highlight and celebrate the strengths of teaching teams and course design/delivery,
  • provide targeted constructive feedback relating to course design/delivery,
  • broaden academic’s exposure to approaches to course design/delivery across the faculty.

This is just one avenue to improve the quality of course design/delivery. How do other Faculty/Schools undertake structured review of coursework courses? What are the strengths of your initiatives? What challenges have you faced? And what tools and/or information have you used in your initiatives?

UNSW Law & Justice Education Quality Officer Rebecca (Bec) Crosby will discuss our approach to evaluating coursework courses via a process of peer review. Bec will also lead a brief discussion on how other Faculty/School approach evaluating and reviewing coursework courses.