The Scientia Education Academy’s first international incoming visit

| 01 May 2018
Kumar (Kumaralingam) Amirthalingam, Chair of the Teaching Academy, from the National University of Singapore (NUS)
Kumar providing an overview of the NUS Teaching Academy

Earlier this year, the Scientia Education Academy (SEA) hosted their first international collaboration meeting with Kumar (Kumaralingam) Amirthalingam, Chair of the Teaching Academy, from the National University of Singapore (NUS).

The purpose of Kumar’s visit was to: 

  • Provide an overview of the NUS Teaching Academy’s overall vision and mission;
  • Share further insight into their current and future activities and projects;
  • Exchange knowledge between the two Academies;
  • Discuss and explore potential areas for collaborations
  • The NUS Teaching Academy (NUSTA) has a nearly decade-long history of engaging with their community in transforming the educational landscape of their university. As both SEA and NUSTA focus on improving teaching and learning by sharing good practice and facilitating inquiry into educational practices, this was a great opportunity for the Academies to formally meet. In addition to the group meeting, Kumar and our Fellows had a chance to meet individually and discuss their individual projects and activities.

Stay tuned as plans for practical options for collaborations are now being considered at both Academies. 

SEA Fellows with Kumar (Kumaralingam) Amirthalingam, Chair of the Teaching Academy, from the National University of Singapore (NUS)
SEA Fellows with Kumar (Kumaralingam) Amirthalingam, Chair of the Teaching Academy, from the National University of Singapore (NUS)

National University of Singapore - Teaching Academy (NUSTA)

The NUS Teaching Academy, established in 2009, serves as a think tank for educational matters for the university, provides an authentic voice on teaching and learning, and engages every section of the NUS community in transforming the educational landscape of the university.

For more information, visit their website